A Family Of Employees
Born and Raised Berry
We started with two brothers who wanted to do business the right way. More than 65 years later, their children and grandchildren lead more than 1,300 employees back to the Berry family values.
Be Family
Not only do we speak of the Berry family in a traditional sense – a third generation family business – but as a family of employees as well. Our success is their success, and it comes from our employees’ drive to exceed the expectations of our customers.

Our desire is to operate this business with humility, grace, and honesty that is pleasing to our families, customers, suppliers, employees, and our Creator. We want these associates to want to do business with us. We are in it for the long term and we will sacrifice short term gains for long term rewards in every opportunity. Our long term goal is to keep the business in the family for generations to come.
We want our business to do a great job of taking care of our customers in a way that helps them be successful. We will forsake profit over doing what is right every time. We want our company to be a stable and fun place to go to work free from excess internal politics and ownership uncertainties.
Our goal is to be profitable to a point that we can comfortably share our financial success with our employees. This does not mean we want to be the best in class in profit at the expense of all other things. We also want to be profitable enough to share our profits with charitable organizations that in turn will make a difference in the communities in which we do business.